Every year it seems like we struggle getting the kids to sit still during general conference. We have tried packets and tents and nothing (which turned out to be less than productive, aka a nightmare). This year I am trying something a little different. I let Madison and Ally pick out there flavors of M&Ms. They have to listen to the talks and every time one of the words are said they get to have one M&M. I don't remember who told me about this idea. I think it might have been Suzannah.
The girls picked out coconut and pretzel M&Ms so I needed to have what I thought were the most common words be either green, white, or brown. If this works well I will adjust the colors with the words next time. What we are listening for:
Prophet - Green
Christ - Red
Love - Purple
Temple - White
Family - Blue
Faith - Brown
Tithing - Yellow
Hope - Orange

The girls picked out coconut and pretzel M&Ms so I needed to have what I thought were the most common words be either green, white, or brown. If this works well I will adjust the colors with the words next time. What we are listening for:
Prophet - Green
Christ - Red
Love - Purple
Temple - White
Family - Blue
Faith - Brown
Tithing - Yellow
Hope - Orange
Good idea! How did it work out? I should have done this for myself too.