Wednesday, September 26, 2012

General Conference Notebooks - Mutual

For the next 7 weeks, the youth from 14-18 years old will be practicing for the Cultural Youth Celebration for the dedication of the temple. That also means for the next month that my lone Beehive and I are on our own. She'll be able to participate on the day of the celebration, but there isn't anything until then.  There are some fun things that we have planned for the next couple months and Ally and Madison are going to go with me so she isn't by herself. I think she was a bit releaved, too. Here are pictures from tonight of my girls.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Day of School

We had some very excited kids on the first day of school.  When I picked up Emily from Kindergarten, she told me, "it was the best day of kindergarten ever!"  I think that she was ready.


